You Must Sell Your Knowledge To Make Money
When you study, when you acquire knowledge, when you learn new skills, there’re certain discoveries you tend to make yourself.
These are discoveries derived from all the things you learned. You make these discoveries because your brain tends to make connections between several things you learn, and it uses these connections to form new knowledge and skills.
The question is, what do you do with this new knowledge.
The answer is, you can either share it for free monetize it. Sell it for money.
Let me give you an instance.
I’ve been blogging for more than 5 years now. When I got started, I was obsessed with SEO, because that’s what I read everywhere, to go after low competition key words and just find these keywords and keep creating a bunch of content around them.
Over time, these contents will rank on Google, they’ll drive lots of web traffic to my blog, and I’ll be able to monetize that, and make a lot of money.
I did that for a few years. I made some money, but later on, I discovered by myself that doing all that is a waste of my time when it comes to what I really wanted as a creator. Which is build a personal brand around myself, build an audience of people interested in what I offer, and make money seamlessly from just being me.
Today, I don’t really care much about SEO. I don’t ignore it, but I’m not obsessed over it as I used to be. Yet, I still get more traffic, and I still make more money than I did when I obsessed over it.
How did I come to this new knowledge? It’s experience. I’ve learned a lot of things, acquired a lot of knowledge, and as a result gained a lot of experience and skill along the lines.
Now, I know this. What do I do with it? I’m sharing it freely with you right now.
Some other times however, I don’t go the free route. I sell this gained knowledge, skill and experience for money. Because at the end of the day, one of the main reasons I’m in all of this is because of the money, and it took me a lot of time and effort to garner this knowledge, skill and experience.
I do give all of em away for free most of the times, as you’ll be able to tell if you go through this blog and through my social media.
At other times however, I sell it for the money.
Why Sell Your Knowledge?
If you’ve been reading up to this point, by now the answer to that question should be pretty obvious and straightforward.
Write About You For Money
Stop selling your time from 9-5 for money. Learn how to monetize your knowledge, your ideas, and your skills through writing online. Turn your skills and ideas into digital products you sell online.