Why You Must Care Less About What Other People Think Of You
Sometimes, we look at ourselves, we examine our present situation, we look at everything else happening around us, and we wonder if there’s even a place for us among society.
You feel like you don’t fit in. You feel like a misfit. You feel like you’re being forced into a mold that’s not designed for you.
Have you ever felt that way? Have you? Have you ever felt as if you don’t belong? That you don’t belong among everybody else or everything else?
I’ve felt that way many a time. Most times, these kind of feelings usually rear their ugly head when you hit rock bottom. When it feels like you don’t know what you’re doing. You’ve tried everything but nothing is working for you. It feels like you’re lost in a strange place.
This happens all the time. It happens to all of us. So many people are in that kind of situation right now. Many people walking around, going about their normal business, walking along the road. You see them everywhere, you think they’re alright, that they’re fine, but in there in their head, they’re not. They are lost. They’re wearing masks pretending to be fine, but they’re not.
They’re scared, and are just out and about searching just like you for a solution, for an answer to the question. The question you’re still asking in your head right now. Where do I belong in all of this, where do I belong in this world?
What is my place? Where do I fit in?
Each one of us have asked ourselves these questions at certain points in our lives. If you have not asked yourself, trust me, you will.
And here is why.
Why this is happening?
Society is forcing people to live the way they don’t want to live.
Imagine you’re the only one in this world right now. Imagine, there’s no one to judge you about the clothes you wear, about the kind of car you drive, how rich or poor you are, the kind of house you live in, the kind of vacations you take.
Imagine you don’t feel like everyone around you is watching you. Imagine you don’t have that urge to impress others.
Would you live the way you’re living right now? Would you buy the things you buy, would you wear those many gold chains around your neck, would you live in that size of house you live in, would you dress the way you dress? Would you behave or act the way you’re acting right now?
I think none of us really means to live the way we’re living right now. I think we’re pressured by society to conform to a way of life we’re not really comfortable with. I think we’re pressured to live a system of life that really doesn’t give us the maximum comfort and peace we desire.
Come to think of it. When you’re really alone with yourself, with nobody watching, how do you behave, how do you act around yourself? Is it the same as when other people are around you? Is it?
Be sincere with your answer.
Are you living your life to please someone else or some group of people right now, your friends, your peers, your pals, your girlfriend, your boyfriend, your parents? Or are you living it to please you?
Society forces us to live in a way that doesn’t align with ourselves. We buy things we don’t want to buy just because it would make us seem cool to our peers. We live in a neighborhood we cannot afford, clothes we cannot afford, just because we have a giant stick that society has stuck up our behind.
Throughout history, the urge to impress other people have never been higher than what we’re experiencing right now.
The Solution? Care Less and Create Your Own World
Create your own world where you only care about what you think is best for you. You must block out the noise out there.
In the midst of all this confusion and identity crisis, some people still flourish, but others never do. Others never understand it until it’s tool late.
You only flourish in this kind of society by becoming you. Caring less about what other people think, and doing what you think is best for your overall well-being.
Imagine, if you didn’t buy those clothes you couldn’t afford, or that ride you couldn’t afford, or that bone straight you couldn’t afford? But instead invested the money in yourself and in your future. Imagine you didn’t smoke that blunt just to seem cool around your friends, or you didn’t take those drugs just to feel among, imagine how less fxcked-up and less stressful your life would be. How peaceful and tranquil it would be.
Our tendency to want to please other people gets the best of us, leaving us with scraps of our identity, with a shell of who we really are.
The solution is to care less about other people’s picture of us. One book you can read that can help you with this is “The Art Of Not Giving A Fxck” by Mark Manson. It’s a very good and helpful book, I really recommend.
Care less what they think. Do you. Do your thing.
The less you care about what other people think of you, you’d finally be able to breath and exhale for a very long time. You’d finally be yourself and feel alive for probably the first time in your life.
Living a life controlled by the thought of what other people think is not living. It’s existing. And the earlier you snap out of it, the better your life would become.
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