If you hate writing, you’re doing it wrong.
I’ve been writing a lot lately. In fact, I’m writing every day, and I’m practically addicted to it at this point.
Every day, I try as much as possible to publish 1 post on my blog primeochuko.com, and I’m enjoying every bit of the process. I’m enjoying every bit of the build.
I wrote this particular post today, and I’m publishing it today. I’m in love with this routine, because it’s just a joy to put the words together on the page and hit that publish button, make it go live and share it for people to read.
I’ve been writing before now on previous blogs I own. But I’m enjoying the writing process on this one more than ever before.
And it’s down to one simple reason. It’s simply because of what I’m writing about.
So what am I writing about?
I’m writing about me.
As funny as that seems, it’s totally true. Read the name of my website again. It’s PrimeOchuko.com. It’s literally myname.com.
You can see why I enjoy it, because who doesn’t like talking about themselves and what they do?
I created this website to write about my ideas, my thoughts, my skills, my experiences and so much more. I created this website to share my knowledge and skills. So people who are also interested in the same things can follow the journey, and learn a thing or two.
My message is this: you can share your knowledge, your ideas, your skills online, through writing, through content creation, and make money from that.
I’m here literally writing about “writing”. Writing about what you know, sharing it with other people and monetizing it.
What do I hope to achieve from writing every day?
Here’s what I hope to achieve from writing and sharing my knowledge online.
Make money
Like I said, you can make money from this. You can make money from sharing your knowledge, your ideas and your skills online.
You can monetize your writing through many means. But the one I like the most is selling digital products about what you’re writing about.
I even created I guide to help you get started here, if you’re interested in this line of work.
Clear my mind
Another very important reason why I write is to clear my mind. Turns out, the more you write, the more clarity you have about whatever you’re writing about.
Sometimes you feel you know something, until you’re told to write about it. Then you find out, you really don’t know it that much.
As I write about the topics I write about, sometimes I get stuck, then I do some research, I read books, articles, and watch videos about what I’m writing about.
And that gives me more enlightenment. I finish writing about it, and I gain so much clarity from the process.
If you really want to clear your mind, and gain clarity about any subject or anything in this life, just start writing about it.
Build an audience
You need an audience, a customer base to get any business to work. You need people interested in the products that you offer.
Another reason why I write is to build an audience of people who’re interested in what I’m writing about.
When you write and publish content online regularly, and you do it correctly, people start to notice. And if you’re consistent, and you’re talking about something they want to know more about, they follow you so as to keep up with your content.
And this is very important for any type of business, especially an online business. Because the more you write, you tend to build up this following, this audience that’s very important for monetization
The larger the audience you build, the more people listen to what you have to say, the more connections you make, and the more money you can make.
Create a digital CV for yourself
Finally, the 4th and final reason why I write is to create a digital CV for myself. This is also very important for business.
The future is digital. Everything is happening real fast online. The development of Crypto, AI, Virtual Reality and so many more points to this fact.
You’ve got to build digital real estate for yourself, that will make you indispensable, and invaluable as time goes on.
The more you write and create content online, the more you create a very good digital footprint and a CV for yourself, that allows you to take full advantage and get ready for what’s coming in the future.
People have been making money online for a very long time, without leaving their homes now. Jobs positions are being rendered useless due to the advent of AI.
This is my chance to dig my roots down into the digital world, create opportunities for myself in this digital future that’s already here, so that I don’t get left behind.
The world has gone digital, everything is changing, and you’ve got to change with it.
When you create content online and build a network of information that leads back to you, you create a lot of opportunities for yourself.
For the past 5 years, due to my writing and my content on other blogs, people and businesses contact me from day to day, trying to work with me.
I have one blog where I review power tools. Although I’m not fully focused on that blog till now. Till this day, I still receive product review offers from brands and tool manufacturers that wants to pay me or give me their tools for free, so that I could review them on my blog or website.
Without my content, I wouldn’t have those opportunities. My content acts as a digital CV that automatically puts me in the radar of these people and businesses, who want to work with me.
And that is something, I find to be extremely valuable in todays world and in the future.
You can achieve so much from writing. You can make money, you can achieve clarity in whatever you’re doing, you can build an audience of people who’re interested in your product, and your writing and content creates a digital CV online that connects you to important people and businesses who want to work with you.
If you want to learn more about all of this, then go ahead and get my “You-Business Blueprint” below.
That’s where I show you how you can create a highly profitable business by simply share your knowledge, your skills and your ideas online through writing or other forms of digital content.