Why Content Creators Make A Lot Of Money

why content creators make lots of money

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The internet was invented in January 1st of 1983, but even as far back as 20 years ago, most people didn’t know much about content creation.

People were already making money as content creators back then, but it wasn’t this popular.

It wasn’t something people really wanted to go into. As of today, which is 20th of August 2024, YouTube wasn’t even created 20 years ago today, Facebook wasn’t created, there was no Instagram, X(Twitter) and the likes of it.

There was nothing lucrative and enticing about being a content creator. So people didn’t really see being a content creator as a viable job or business.

Right now though, content creation is booming as a type of business right now. The reason why it’s booming is because content creators make a lot of money.

They make a shxt load of money.

The question right now is, why are creators making all this money? Why? What’s so special about this thing.

Here’s why.

They make a lot of money because they control one of the most important thing in the world.

They control commerce.

That’s the simple reason content creators make a lot of money. If you understand how they do it, fine.

You can stop reading from here.

If you want me to explain further, then keep reading, let me spill the beans.

Content creators creators create content that people watch, listen to, and read. In fact, they are the reason why social media is what it is today.

They are the reason why billions of people in the world today are always glued to their phone.

They are the reason why people spend more time in their phone, than they spend with their family, friends and people that love them in real life.

And in doing all this, they have control over something that’s so valuable to business and commerce. That’s human attention.

Our attention is so valuable. If you can get everybody in the world to listen to whatever you want to say, to just listen, to give you an ear for you to say something, you are a very powerful man.

It’s a very very powerful power that you have.

And content creators in general have this power. They have the ears of all the people that have access to the internet.

Creators with millions of followers like MrBeast make a lot of money because of this. It’s simply because they can get message across to millions with their content without paying for it.

And that’s a very powerful thing.

That means whatever these creators say, millions and millions, even billions of people listen to them.

That’s very valuable. And that’s why they make a lot of money.

So, to make money as a creator, you want to have one goal from day 1

To make money as a creator, you have to have one simple goal from day 1. That goal is not to make money, it’s not to get rich quick or anything related to money for that matter.

Nope. Instead, your goal should be to build a very large audience. To build as large a following as possible.

You want to do that because that’s what’s going to determine how much money you make as a creator.

It’s the size of your audience.

Even without monetizing it yourself, or selling anything yourself, you’ll get a lot of sponsorship deals as soon as your audience grows large and noticeable to brands.

The first time one of my blog got just over 60k page visits a month, I was surprised at the number of sponsorship request I got in my email from several brands that just want to put their products in front of my audience.

Imagine how much money I made from that alone, plus my native monetization on the blog. Now imagine how much more sponsorship deals brands like MrBeast and co receives based on the size of their audience.

The possibilities are just mindblowing.

So, if you want to make real money as a creator, your aim from day 1, is to build as large an audience as possible.

The question is, how do you build a large audience, or even a small audience?

The answer to that depends on a lot of things, but it all comes down 2 I believe.

It’s the type of content you create (your niche), and your target audience.

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