Who Will You Become If You Continue Being Who You Are Now?

who will you become if you continue being who you are now

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How’d he look? How’d she look? Picture yourself in the future. Picture who you finally become.

Have you ever been curious about who you’ll become if you really gave 100 percent of your effort to chase that thing you’re chasing right now, your dream? If you really give it your all.

Aren’t you curious about who you’d be? Who that person would become? How he’ll look, how she’ll look, how he’ll feel, how she’ll feel, how powerful, how confident, rich, how beautiful, and how everything you’ve ever dreamed of will really feel like for you as that person?

Or let’s put it in another way. If you continue being who you are now, aren’t you curious about who you’d become in the future? Who will you become if you continue being who you are now? How will you look, how will you feel, where will you be, your state of being, who? Who will you become? Picture him, picture her.

Is it in your future self’s best interest to continue being who you are now?

Because, come to think of it, most of us never really put enough thought into this. All we see, is our present self. Most of the time, we never see that person we’re turning into. We don’t see him. We only see us at present.

Now, consider everything you’re doing now. Consider your habits, your principles, your actions, everything you’re doing now, and project yourself into the future.

What or who would you turn out to be, if you continue in your present course? Who? Aren’t you curious about who that person would be?

I’m always very curious about that person, about that me in the future. Who will I be, who will I become, who will that man be, if I continued my present habits, my present actions, by present behaviours, and continued to put in as much effort as I’m putting now into my dreams?

If I continued in my current course, who would I become 5 years from now? 10 years, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50 years from now? Who would I turn out to be?

The truth is, most of us don’t look out into the future often. We don’t project ourselves into the future using our current course of actions as a guide and a yardstick to measure who we’d become.

We don’t. All we see and experience is the present moment. None of us, give enough thought to that person we’re becoming. Like, enough thought.

I’ve been thinking about this from time to time now, and it’s really important that we ask ourselves this question from time to time.

Who’d you be if you continue in your present path, if you keep going in this your present course, who’d you become.

This is a question I wish everyone should ask themselves from time to time, regularly to help stir them in the right path towards the person they want to become.

In our head, we’ve created this avatar of who we’d really want to become. But the truth is most of us never truly end up attaining the status of this avatar we have in our head in our lifetime. Most of us never grow to become this avatar we create of ourselves in our head.

And that’s because, most of us never step up. We never pay the price required for that avatar to come to life. We, by our daily choices kill that avatar slowly throughout our lives, that it never comes to life.

It dies with most of us, as nothing more than an avatar that didn’t come to life.

A dream that didn’t come true.


So ask yourself. What or who is the Avatar you’ve created for yourself in your head?

Are you ever going to let it come to life?

Are you overweight in real life, but your avatar in your head is a very fit shredded you?

Are you poor in real life, but your avatar is wealthy in your head? Is your future avatar, the one you’re dreaming to become, is he/she a rich entrepreneur, but in real life you’re working 9-5 for another business?

Who are you right now, and who is your avatar?

Will whatever you’re doing with your life right now, your habits, your way of life, your actions, your behavior and everything you’re doing right now, lead you to become that avatar you aspire to become?

If yes, good.

But if not, Damn!

I’m sure you’ll make the right choices. I want you to become that avatar you aspire to become.

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