How To Really Start An Online Business

start an online business

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Online businesses are great. Most people would like to start one. Imagine a business where you don’t interact with customers face to face, and you can sell your products to people all over the world without even stepping a foot out your door from your home.

You can run it from just anywhere you want, as long as you have access to the internet. And it makes you more money than most people’s 9-5 job.

That’s the number 1 reason why people start online businesses. It’s because it gives people freedom. The freedom to work wherever they want, and whenever the want.

Although this freedom has it’s advantages and disadvantages, it’s something we all want. We all want control over what we do with our time, our job and everything.

There are so many other reasons why people start online businesses, such as:

  • With an online business, you don’t have to deal with customers face to face.
  • You work from home. That means you don’t have to play dress up in the morning.
  • No commute
  • You don’t require a huge start-up capital. You can start with a 1 page website.

And so on.

But the real question most people want to know the answer to is not why they should start an online business. Most people already know why.

The real question most people want to know is:

And here’s the answer.

How to start a profitable online business

Here’s the thing. When most people think of online businesses, they think of it differently compared to a physical offline business.

They think it’s different. And they may be right. There’re so many things that makes an online business different from a physical offline business.

The one thing they both have in common though is that, money is made through sales.

Every business makes money through sales. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an online business or an offline one.

The only way you make money, is when you put a product out there, people buy this product and they give you money for it.

That’s true for both an online and an offline physical business that people can walk into.

The beautiful thing about an online biz however is that you don’t have to deal with people physically. You don’t have to deal with your customers face to face.

You can be in your bedroom, in your pyjamas and conduct your business successfully. No one is going to know that you’re wearing your pyjamas.

1. Come up with a product

So, the first step to starting a profitable online business is to find something you can sell to people. Something you know people would buy from you.

You have to come up with a product that you’re sure people are interested in, and then sell it to people online.

This step is very important, because if you build a business around a product nobody wants, then that business is going to fail and you’re going to waste your time.

So, you’ve got to find out something people wants, and then sell that.


So, how do you do that. I usually don’t recommend looking far off from yourself, because I promote the You-Business, which is a business model that revolves around selling your own knowledge, skills and expertise.

Therefore, you can’t sell a product if you have absolutely no idea about it.

I once created a website where I sell chimineas. Big mistake.

Chimineas are like fireplaces people buy and put in their yard or patio for heat, warmth and stuff like that.

I was writing about this stuff, because I thought people bought it. But it was a mistake for me to write about it and try to sell it, because I didn’t use it. I didn’t know much about it.

So, I had to read so much, and make a lot of research before I could write about it.

That’s why I promote the You-Business, because you write about and sell things you know. And the easiest thing you can sell, that you know about, is the knowledge already in your head, the skills you have and your expertise.

So, if you’re a very good photographer, why not sell a course on photography. If you’re a very good web designer, why not sell some website themes or templates.

It’s just that simple. Sell your skills, sell your expertise.

Now once you have a product idea to sell, the next step is:

2. Build an audience of people that will buy that product

Once you know what you want to sell, the next step is to build an audience of buyers. An audience of people that will buy that product.

For an online business, that involves content creation. You create content about that interest, about that area of life.

If you want to sell a photography course, you create content about photography, and you build an audience of people that will be interested in learning photography.

That’s how you sell your course. And that’s how you ultimately build an online business.

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