I Should Have Started This Business Years Ago

i should have started this business

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The business I’m currently building right now is a business I should have started years ago. And today, I regret not starting it a long time ago.

The funny thing is that I knew all about this years ago, but I was so comfortable with what I was doing back then, the money I was making, that I kept postponing this business.

I always tell myself, I’ll do it later, I’ll do it later, but I never really did anything about it, because I was making thousands of dollars per month, promoting affiliate products on my blog.

I never really built a personal brand.

Now, I wish I started years ago because, right now it’s just feels so stupid that I waited this long.

If I started years ago, I would have dug a very strong foundation for this business, and by now, it would have gone through the roof.

I’m sure the question you’re asking yourself right now is, which business am I talking about?

Well, I’m talking about the You-Business.

I’ve talked about it so many times on this blog, and on my social media profiles. And I’m just getting started talking about it.

It’s a business every human being can start and use to build the best life possible for themselves.

We build businesses to make money, and I strongly believe with all of my heart that the You-Business is the best possible business you can start right now, that will help you make money passively throughout the rest of your life.

Now, the question is:

What is The You-Business all about?

The You-Business is a business designed to help you monetize your ideas, your skills, knowledge and everything about you.

What you sell is skill, ideas, and knowledge that other people want.

You simply package a particular skill that you have, that other people would love to learn into a digital product, and sell it to them.

That’s basically what the You-Business is about.

And you do all of this online. You don’t have to quit your current job (although you would later when you start earning from this), you don’t have to buy inventory, you don’t have to pay for a physical store location or none of that.

You just have to learn how to position yourself on the internet as someone skilled in a particular field, build a brand around yourself, and monetize it.

Apart from selling digital products about the skills that you have, there are so many ways you can monetize yourself when you brand yourself and build the You-Business correctly.

You can earn through:


Affiliate marketing

Display Ads


and Digital products sales.

So many ways you can monetize your skills, your ideas, and your expertise when you build a brand around you.


I’ve always had the idea to do this for a very long time. I’ve been blogging for more than 5 years, made a ton of money and so on.

But my biggest mistake is not building a personal brand around me right from day 1, that helps me monetize who I am, my knowledge, my ideas, skills, expertise and even my personality.

I’ve always had this in my mind from day 1, and it’s something I should have started years ago.

If you’re still on the fence about building a business around who you are and monetizing your knowledge, ideas and skills, get off the fence right now.

This is the best business, the best side hustle any single person can start right now. And the earlier you start it, the better it is for you, and the more you’ll come to appreciate it for what it truly is.

If you want to learn more, I’ve created a blueprint below to get you started.

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