Why I Don’t Care Much About Search Algorithm Updates Or Google Updates Anymore

why I don't care about search algorithm updates anymore

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SEO used to be my daily worry. The fear of Google search algorithm updates used to hunt me in my dreams.

I used to get worried sick about how one single algorithm update could knock my search rankings into oblivion.

If you own a blog or you’re a blogger, you understand what I’m talking about. You know of the panic that goes on when many bloggers hear of the release of a new search algorithm update by Google.

Many rush to their analytics to check if their traffic have been affected in any way. Some people lose almost all their traffic, some lose 50 percent, 25 percent, and so on.

While the lucky ones get in surge in their traffic. Some double or even triple their traffic when these updates happen.

I’ve been among the 2 groups. I’ve lost traffic in some updates, and I’ve gained traffic in some. And that uncertainty of traffic due to these updates used to put a fear in my mind.

Today however, I don’t even think of algorithm updates. I don’t care if they come, and I don’t care what they do. SEO is no longer something I care about.

It’s still part of my marketing strategy, but it has lost it’s top spot to other more important techniques for getting traffic to my content and my business.

And here’s why I don’t worry about it anymore.

I finally realized that the best SEO or search engine optimization you can do when creating your content, especially written content, is not worrying about SEO, and just worrying about making sure the content satisfies your audience needs.

The question I ask myself before and when writing a piece of article right now is: Is this useful to my audience? Is this going to help them? Does this answer a burning question they have? Does this solve their pain point?

If the answer to those questions is yes, then I write about it, I publish it, I link to it from other articles, I share it as a newsletter and on my social media pages, and then I’m done.

Here’s what I don’t care about anymore:

Making sure the focus keyword appears in the content to please search engines.

Making sure the focus keyword is in the first sentence or the first paragraph of the article. I don’t care about that anymore. I could start with an illustration that don’t even include the focus keyword at all.

Making sure the focus keyword appears in the content as much as possible to please search engines.

Making sure the focus keyword is in subheadings.

I don’t even care if there’s a focus keyword anymore.

I don’t care about the SEO score of the content that my SEO plugin gives me. I don’t care if that shxt turns green or red to show I optimized the SEO properly or not.

I don’t care about none of that.

Here’s what I care about instead:

Does it answer the user’s burning question?

Do they understand what I’m talking about?

Does this solve their pain point?

Does this help them?

Did they get the answer they were searching for on my page?

Are they satisfied with the answer they got?

Does this solve their problem?

If the answer to all those questions when it comes to my content or my article is yes, then I publish.

That’s the best SEO I do for my content before hitting publish.

And guess what? If a user comes to your page, and you gave them what they want, and you answer their burning question, and they leave satisfied, guess what? They’re going to come back.

They’re going to tell their friends about you, they’re going to bookmark your content so they can come back to it.

They’re going to be repeat visitors. They’re going to stay longer on your blog, on your website, browsing my content, checking out the products or services that you offer, and buying from you.

And what better SEO is that? What’s a better way to promote your content and have repeat customers, than to not give a fxck about search algorithm updates, but pay all your attention to creating content that helps your customers, and keep them happy coming your content and to your business?

What’s better than that?


That’s the best SEO, the best search engine optimization you can do for your content, to help it rank on Google and other search engines.

Because trust me, search engines like Google monitor how users interact with your content.

If they see that people spend more time on your blog, reading your articles, and they don’t just bounce back out of your page anytime they show your content to people, guess what?

They’ll rank your content higher, and put it where more and more people will find it.

So, stop getting yourself worried about search algorithm updates. Stop over optimizing your content with more keywords, hoping to gain the system, and hoping to rank higher in the search engines. Because that doesn’t help.

What helps is doing your possible best to make sure you please users instead of search engines.

Don’t write for search, write for people

If you do that, you won’t need to worry any more about Google search algorithm updates.

You’ll be comfortable creating content, keeping your users happy, and having them stick to you and your business for a very long time.

When you publish content and put it out there, you’ll be okay. You’ll not be worried, because you know you did your job.

You answered a burning question your audience has, and you’ve given them what they want.

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