5 Types of Posts And Pins That Works Best On Pinterest

types of blog posts and pins that works best on pinterest

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The more time you spend using Pinterest for marketing, the more you realize certain types of blog posts and pins do better than others on Pinterest.

The more you engage with the platform, the more you use it as a marketer, the more you study other people’s posts, what works for them, the more you post your own pins, the more you’re going to realize this fact.

Although I’ve not always been consistent with Pinterest in the past, I’ve always been the SEO guy, but right now I’m taking Pinterest very seriously due to how unstable search traffic is with it’s random and sometimes undecipherable algorithm updates.

And so far, with the time I’ve spent on Pinterest, I’ve found out that certain types of blog posts do better than others when you pin them on Pinterest.

Posts about common topics – Don’t go too niche on Pinterest

Sometimes, you can go too niche and people will still click, but here’s something I found out on Pinterest. The more broader you go in terms of topics you pin about, the better reception you get on the platform.

People will click a pin about “How to get your Ex to call you back” than a pin about “husky toolboxes”.

Yeah, Husky toolboxes are a thing, but how many people know about them or use them for that matter? Very few people. Compare that to how many people have exes and want a call back from their Ex.

So, you want to post and create pins about common topics on Pinterest. Pins like that just do better on Pinterest.

How to posts from the first person’s perspective

How to posts about something interesting from a first person’s perspective do really well on Pinterest. People like to do cool stuff. And if you can tell them from a first person’s perspective how you did something cool, they’d save that pin. They’d click to read.

For instance, a post like “How I got over 300k visits from Pinterest in 1 month” will do better than “How to get 300k visits from Pinterest in 1 month”.

That’s because, the first pin and title is from a first person’s perspective. When you say you did something, people want to know how you did it.

That first post “How I got over 300k visits from Pinterest in 1 month”, will go viral on Pinterest if you made it. I’d not make that kind of post right now, because I haven’t had that kind of result on Pinterest.

And you shouldn’t too, if you haven’t had same results. You don’t want people ending up in your article and realizing that you just click-baited them.

But the truth is those kinds of post do really well on Pinterest. Here’s another one. How I make $11,000 Dollars a month Pinning on Pinterest.

That’s a post people will like to read, and if you pin such a pin on Pinterest, people would click it. But you’ve got to make sure you’re not just click-baiting people with such titles.

Have proof, and do your thing. It’s not bragging, when you write posts like that. People actually want to know how you do cool stuff. So, tell them how you do it.

It doesn’t have to be about money. It can be about any other cool stuff you do in your life. It could be “How I Make Movie-Grade Cenematic Videos With My iPhone”.

Just tell people about some cool stuff that you do, that you know a lot of people would love to learn, and I promise you, people would click it.

Food Posts

What I talked about above extends to food. Tell people how you made some delicious and good looking food you make in your home.

The beautiful thing about Pinterest is that it’s a visual search engine. So, the better your pictures are, the more people will save it. And if it’s about something cool that they’d like to do themselves, they’d save it even more.

The reason why people save pins on Pinterest is because they believe that pin contains a cool idea, and they’d like to save that idea, so that they can get back to it later and hopefully do the same thing for themselves.

So, if you can give people enough cool ideas to save, you’ll be golden on Pinterest.

With the food, tell people about some cool, delicious looking food you made on your blog post. Make sure you took some clean, crisp, delicious looking pictures of the food. Share them on Pinterest and add, how I made dash dash type of food.

People like Quotes

Quotes work really well on Pinterest. Whatever niche you’re into as a creator, I’m sure there are quotes.

Create a post about these quotes and pin them on Pinterest. Trust me, people love to save quotes, and they’ll save the hell out of your quote pins, especially if the quotes are good.

The more they save your quotes, the more your account grows.

People like info pins – with short easy to remember information on them

Sometimes, people just want simple easy to remember info pins. And they save these a lot.
For instance, you can make a pin about 5 best Free AI photo editing apps.

Now, you don’t just write 5 best Free AI photo editing apps on the Pin with an Image and just pin that? No. You write a bold heading of “5 best Free AI photo editing apps”, followed by an actually list of the names of these apps, with little info about what each app can do.

People saves those kinds of pins a lot. Because the pin contains almost all the information they need. Now, most people may not click through to your website or blog with these kind of pins, but they’ll save it. And the more people save your pins, the more the Pinterest algorithm shows not only that pin to more people, but other pins from your account as well.

And that will help your account to grow, more and more.

Rounding Up!

Certain types of pins and blog posts work better than others on Pinterest, and they’re the ones I’ve listed above.

Write more of these type of blog posts and pin more pins like them, and you’ll grow your Pinterest account faster, and get more blog traffic from Pinterest.

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