Pinterest is arguable the best platform new bloggers can use to grow their blog traffic from scratch. Don’t just take my word for it. Go through the platform and see how many other bloggers are using it and getting insane results from it.
Every blogger I know uses it. The ones that are not using it are starting to use it because the results you can get from it are just insane.
Pinterest is the ideal platform for you if you’re a beginner blogger. There are several reasons why I say that, but I’ll talk about that in another article.
For now, I want to talk about 14 Pinterest marketing tips and ideas every blogger should know. If you’re new to Pinterest, or even if you’ve been using Pinterest for some time but you’re not seeing results, you need to read this article to the very end.
Because once you start employing the tips and strategies in this article, you’ll start to see growth in your Pinterest account, and the amount of traffic it drives to your blog.
So, here are my 14 Pinterest marketing tips you absolutely should know if you are a blogger.
Pinning Frequency – More Is Not Better
With my first blog, I thought the more times I pinned on Pinterest a day, the faster the account is going to grow, and the more traffic I’m going to get to my blog.
But that is absolutely not true.
Pinning frequency is something most people misunderstand. It’s true that the more pins you have on Pinterest, the more chances you have of your content being seen.
But here’s something that happens when you put it that way. Most people start pinning the same content, the same pin, and the same article to Pinterest several times in the day.
And when you do that, you’re not making your Pinterest account better. In fact, you’re harming it instead. You pinning the same article and pin to your account 20 times a day is actually doing more harm than good to your account.
That’s what is called spamming. You’re spamming your own account. And that might just ruin your account instead of growing it.
Pinterest wants quality pins from unique content from your blog. When you keep pinning the same content over and over in one day, thinking you’re being consistent and helping your account by doing that, trust me you’re not.
Someone pinning just 3 or 4 times a day, but is not re-pinning the same content over and over is doing much better than you, and will grow at a much better rate than you.
Just imagine you’re a user just browsing on Pinterest and you happen to open one particular account, and that person have just pinned the same pin 20 times in a row. Would that impress you? No you’d not be impressed.
So, stop hurrying to pin the same pin over and over just to increase your pinning frequency. Instead, try as much and possible to pin unique pins every time.
SEO Optimize Your Pins
Pinterest is not just some social media platform. It’s also a search engine. In fact, it’s the largest image search engine in the world with over 522 million monthly active users.
Because it’s a search engine, you have to optimize your image pins for search, so that they show up when people search for keywords on the platform.
So, make use of keywords in your pins. Find out what people are searching for on Pinterest using their simple keyword tool and add these keywords to your pin title and description when publishing them.
This will help the algorithms know what your pin is all about, and thus rank it so that people searching for that particular keyword you optimized for, can see it.
SEO Optimize your Pinterest Boards
It’s not just your pins your want to optimize for search. You want to SEO-Optimize all your boards too.
Use keywords for your board title, and use keyword-rich descriptions on them. So that Pinterest know what your board is about.
Don’t just assume they’ll magically know want your boards and pins are about. Help Pinterest to help your pins and boards show up when people search on the platform, by optimizing them for search.
Stop pinning ugly pins
Yes. Stop pinning ugly pins to Pinterest. People hardly save them. I know when you’re just getting started with little to know experience, sometimes it does take time to get your design game to be right.
But you want to make sure you study how the platform works. And one thing you’ll find out is that ugly pins rarely get saved.
Look at most of the successful accounts in your niche, they have a pin template and some of them have to buy these templates, so that can design beautiful pins.
Use canva. Canva Pro is what I use to design my pins. I’ve written a whole article about how not to design ugly pins on Pinterest, so you can read it whenever you like.
Follow Pinterest accounts in your niche
Yes again. Follow Pinterest accounts in your niche. You want to follow them for several reasons.
When you follow them, you’ll learn from them. You’ll learn the type of topics they pin about. You’ll learn how they design their pins. You’ll learn how they design their and name their boards.
You’ll learn how they optimize their account. The keywords they use and a whole lot more.
When you follow these accounts, Pinterest will start showing you their pins when they post them, and you’ll learn which posts and pins is working for them, and use that knowledge to your advantage.
Study and copy successful Pinterest accounts
Yeah. I know. This is kind of repeating the previous tip. But it doesn’t matter. I want to reiterate. One thing is to follow them, another thing is to learn from them.
Don’t just follow any account in your niche. Some people just follow random accounts. As a beginner, you want to follow successful accounts.
When I say successful accounts, I don’t mean the account has to have thousands of followers. It can be a few hundreds.
They just have to be in your niche, and they have to have something you like. Maybe it can even be a new Pinterest account trying to grow in your niche just like you. But you like the way they design their pins and their boards.
You can follow them, and learn from what they’re doing.
Follow accounts that are doing what you like, and just learn. Don’t just copy exactly what they’re doing though. No. You want to use their ideas to better your own.
Get blog post ideas from pins you find on Pinterest
This is a big one. This is one of the reasons you want to follow accounts in your niche.
Sometimes, you don’t know what to post about in your blog, and pin about on Pinterest. When you follow other accounts in your niche, you see their pins and the topics they’re posting about.
See how much interaction and success those topics have. If it’s a topic that’s working for them, then you should write about it too, and create pins about it in your account as well.
Find out the best times to pin and pin only at those times
The longer you use the Pinterest, the more you’re going to learn how the platform works. One of the things you’re going to learn is the best times to pin.
The more you pin, you’re going to realize that when you pin at certain times of the day, your pin gets more exposure and engagement. While at other times, it doesn’t.
You want to mark out those periods of the day, and only pin at those times.
If you use certain Pinterest scheduling tools like Tailwind, they help you with that. They show you the best times you should pin a day, so you don’t have to worry about that.
Try not to pin the same image more than once a day
I’ve touched on this before with the first tip, but I’ll make it clear here. You don’t want to pin the same image 20 times a day, or even twice a day.
Maybe you can pin the same blog post, but design a different pin. Try to design several pins for each blog post, and try not to pin the same image more than once a day.
Pinning the same image several times a day is more like spam. Pin something different even though you may be pinning the same blog post. Just use a different image, and add some element of uniqueness to your pin.
Using a scheduling tool is not necessary, but it’s helpful
Using a Pinterest pin scheduling tools is not a must, but it will make your job easier for you. You can schedule 2 months of content ahead, and focus on other things.
You can even schedule a whole year’s worth of content, and you’re good. You can use your time for other things.
Scheduling tools like Tailwind even give you the best times to post in a day. So you don’t have to guest. When you post at these times, you’re sure people are online to interact with your posts.
Try to use the Pinterest platform like a regular user
Most people overlook this, especially those using a scheduling tool. Once they’ve schedules about a whole month’s or 2 months worth of content, then never open their Pinterest account again until the 2 months is about to expire.
Then they go back and schedule more content, and shut Pinterest off again for however long they’ve scheduled content in advance.
If you’re doing it like that, the Pinterest algorithm is not stupid. They know you’re using a scheduling tool the moment you start using it. And if you’re not active on the platform, they’ll know you’re just using them for clicks.
The more active you are on the platform, the quicker you’ll grow. If someone comments on your pin, you’ll know and you’ll be able to reply.
Just use the platform like every other user. Like I’ve mentioned earlier. Follow other accounts. See what your competition is posting, and if you like it, create similar content.
Just be active on the platform, and you’ll see good results.
Have a pin style – Build a uniform theme around your account
When you open some Pinterest account, the whole account is just difficult to look at. Every pin in the account have a totally different contrasting design.
When you look at the account, it’s like all the pins are saved by different people.
There is no style. The account has no theme. And that is very wrong. As a Pinterest marketer, you want some style to your pin. Every pin should not have a totally different design.
Build a uniform theme around your with the way you design your pins.
You don’t have to use only one style of pin, but you also don’t want to have too many.
Make sure your website or blog is fast
One thing I’ve noticed with most bloggers that are experiencing slow growth on Pinterest that have come to me for help is that, when I tried to visit their blog, I noticed it was really slow to open.
And here is one thing you must know. When a user clicks on your pin, if it’s taking minutes to load the blog post, that user is going to bounce back from your blog post, and they’ll go back to Pinterest and continue scrolling.
If that happens often with your pins, that will tell the Pinterest algorithm that your blog is a low quality blog. And that will make them stop showing more of your pins to their users.
So, you want to make sure you have a fast loading blog. Ensure you have a good caching plugin working behind your blog to preload all the heavy files on your blog posts so that the post loads quickly when someone clicks on your pin on Pinterest.
Also, make sure you your blog is hosted on a good hosting platform. If you’re hosted on a slow web host, your blog posts are going to be slow unless you move to another faster host.
So, make sure you research the web host you’re using, before hosting your website there.
I personally have been using Cloudways hosting for 4+ years now, and I’ve had no problem on their end when it comes to website speed.
Know that you need time to see results
This is something you must know. Even though you do everything correctly, your Pinterest marketing success will not come overnight. You’ll not suddenly start receiving thousands of traffic from Pinterest overnight.
It’s going to take some time.
So, while you apply these Pinterest marketing tips I’ve revealed to you, remember to be patient and wait for results.
If you don’t give up before then, you’ll see them. Pinterest is a very good platform for beginner bloggers. If you do the work, you’ll see results.