The Number 1 Skill To Learn To Make Money Online

number 1 skill to make money as a creator

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There are so many skills you should learn if you want to run an online business and make money online as a creator.

These skills will enable you create content, grow an audience and monetize this content.

Some of these skills include:

  • Web design
  • Graphics design
  • Creative writing
  • Video editing
  • Social media marketing
  • SEO

And so on.

There’s one skill however that’s above all others. It’s called sales. It’s your ability to convert total strangers into raving fans that are eager to take action and buy your products.

In order to sell products online however, you need to be able to do something. You need to be able to drive traffic to your offer. Because without the ability to attract and drive traffic to your offer, you’ll never sell anything.

So, if we really look at things objectively, the number one skill you want to learn is how to attract and drive traffic to your offer online.

The truth is, it doesn’t really matter how bad you are at converting new prospects into buying customers. What really matters is your ability to get people’s attention online, and get them to your offer or sales page.

If you can get people to your sales page, you’ll sell no matter how bad your offer is. In fact, the more people you can persuade and draw to your sales page, the more sales you make.

If your offer is not converting as much as you want it to, you can always tweak it later to make sure people convert.

But first, you must be able to get this people to look at what you have to offer. You must get people to check your offer.

And there are 3 main traffic acquisition channels you must learn to utilize to get this people from whatever platform you find them to your offer. They include social media, SEO and paid traffic channels.

Social Media

Almost everybody with a phone or anybody with access to the internet are on social media. They’re either on Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok, X(Twitter) and so on.

If you want people to buy your product, you must learn how to get people who are on social media to visit your website or sales page, and buy your product.

It’s simply called social media marketing. You just have to learn how to grow an audience on each of these social media platforms and sell your products to this audience.

You start by creating pages on any platform of your choice and posting about your business regular on it. The more you post engaging content on these platforms, the more your page grows, and the more traffic you’re able to attract.


SEO simply means search engine optimization. If you have an online store, a website or blog, you must learn how to drive traffic from search engines like Google and Bings to your online store or website.

Search engine traffic is probably the highest converting traffic you can ever get to your offer. People who come from search engines like Google to your page are already ready to buy.

These people are already searching for the product you offer on Google. That’s why they came across your website. That’s why search engine traffic is very powerful.

So, you have to learn how to optimize your website properly so that it will show up on Google, Bings and other search engines when people search for the products you offer.

Paid Traffic

Paid traffic means exactly what it implies. It’s traffic you pay for. You can go on Facebook, Google, Bings, Pinterest, X, and any one of these platforms and buy traffic by paying for ads.

As long as you have the money, and you know how to create high converting ads on each of these platforms, you can generate as much traffic as you want.

It all depends on how much you have to spend on these ads, and how good you are at creating high converting ads.

If you’re just starting off with your online business, and you don’t have enough prior experience running ads online, I wouldn’t advise going this route, because you might end up spending all of your money and not getting any good return on investment.

So, if you’re just starting out, stick to building a good social media presence for your business, and learn some SEO so your website, blog or sales page can show up when people search for your business on Google and other search engines.

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the you-business blueprint

Write About You For Money

Stop selling your time from 9-5 for money. Learn how to monetize your knowledge, your ideas, and your skills through writing online. Turn your skills and ideas into digital products you sell online.

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