Everybody wants to make it today. And there’s nothing wrong with that. It would be awesome if you can make it right now. If you can become a millionaire right now, marry the woman or man of your dreams right now, buy that dream car right now, buy a home for yourself right now, get that dream job you want right now and live that kind of lifestyle you want to live right now.
But the truth is, for 99.999 percent of us, that can never happen. You can’t have it right now. You can’t climb a tree from the top. The top is the top for a reason.
Most people don’t get this. So, what they do is, they sprint through their goals and never achieve them. All their goals are short term. If doing a particular thing will not get them that result they want in a month or 3 months max, they abandon it and look for something else.
If it’s to make money, they want to make all that money in a month or 3. If it’s to get in shape, they want to see the results right away. If they don’t see results immediately they quit, and move on to something else.
This affects most people trying to make money online. Most are always affected by the shiny object syndrome. They keep jumping from one online business to the other, because the previous ones took too long to bring the results the want. So to them, it doesn’t work. On to the next shiny object.
If you’re someone like that, the more you follow on that part, the less you’ll achieve. Because most good things takes time.
Here’s what you need to do instead.
Have a 5 year plan
Have a 1 day plan, a 1 week plan, a 1 month plan, a 3 months plan, a 6 months plan, a year plan, and a 5 year plan.
Your 1 day accumulated in 1 week will give you the 1 week plan. Your 1 day plan accumulated for a month gives you the 1 month plan, your 1 day plan accumulated for 3 months gives you the 3 months plan. You one day plan accumulated for 5 years gives you your 5 year plan.
You see, it’s all about the 1 day plan. What do you plan to do every freaking day to achieve your dreams? What is it?
The most important plan of all is the 1 day plan. If you get it right, your 5 year plan will come sooner than expected.
Here’s one more thing. The plan is not really about the beautiful things you hope to achieve. Instead, it’s more about the effort, tasks and steps you would put in to achieve those beautiful things.
So, my 1 day plan is not to make 100 dollars. My 1 day plan would be like making sure I create X amount of content, and get them published and scheduled.
If I was trying to lose weight and get fit, it could be like, I’ll run 5 miles every morning or evening.
If I was trying to save money, It could be like I’ll save 50 dollars out of my payment every day.
The plan is not about what I’m trying to achieve. If I’m trying to lose weight and get fit, it’s not like I’ll lose 0.1 pounds daily. No.
It’s that I’ll run 5 miles daily, and do 30 push-ups daily.
Your 1 day plan is the tasks you’ve told yourself you’ll complete every day.
Now imagine this
Say you’re trying to lose weight and get fit. Imagining running 5 miles every day and doing 30 pushups every day.
That’s your 1 day plan. Apart from the pain and discomfort, you won’t notice any progress on day 1.
You may also not notice any progress on day 2. But as from 1 week, a month, 2 months, 3 months, you’ll see big changes.
Imagine a year. Imagine how you’ll look 5 years from today, if you stick to that 1 day plan, and you don’t falter.
You’ll achieve the unimaginable.
That’s what James Clear talked about in his book, Atomic Habits. It’s about making daily improvements at something you want to get better at.
You can’t go all at once and achieve everything on day 1. So, you build a habit of getting better at that thing every day.
Like I said, running 5 miles or even 3 miles every day and doing 30 pushups will not make any noticeable changes to your body and physic on the first day, but when you add everything up for 1 year, for 5 years, you see a monumental change in your body.
So, have a 5 year plan. Don’t try to sprint through your goals. You’ll get tired easily and give up like most people do.