15 Hard-Hitting Truths About Life You Must Confront To Find Peace

hard-hitting truths

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I want to talk about 15 hard-hitting truths about life you must confront if you’re ever going to find peace in your own life.

You just can’t escape them. The more you try to ignore them, the more you come face to face with them in your daily life.

They’re just impossible to go around, because they are the basis of life itself.

I’m not just copying and pasting this from some place.

Trust me, these are simple conclusions and findings I’ve observed in my life. Some you’ll agree with, some you’ll not.

But I truly believe, you’re more likely to find peace in life and in yourself when you finally realize these truths.

What’s peace? you may ask.

I believe peace is knowledge. It’s the state of knowing. The ignorant are not at peace.

You can never find peace until you truly know.

So, here are some things, some hard-hitting truths you must know and confront to find peace.

We’re not here for very long

The human lifespan is very short. Compared to how long the universe have been around, our lifespan is just nothing.

We live for 70, 80 years at most. According to science, the earth is about 4.5 billion years old, while the universe as a whole is 13.7 billion years old.

Compare our lives to that, and you’ll truly understand how long we live. The truth is, we don’t really live, if you look at it that way.

Now, you must understand that, I’m not trying to imply that our lives have no meaning. Of course it does have meaning.

But if you consider how long we live, and how long the universe have been, and how long it will be around after we’re gone and forgotten, you’ll learn to cherish every second you get on this ball of dirt called earth.

You’ll understand that your time here belongs to you and you only. You shouldn’t live it for someone else. Live it for you.

Don’t spend the little time you have here, trying to please other people. Because the truth is that, you have no time.

And before you know it, you and all the people you’re trying to please will be long gone, and you universe will remain.

The past is gone

The past is gone. There’s nothing you can do to change what has already happened.

We have no control of time.

Like I talked about in the previous point, we have very little time to live on earth. Don’t spend it dwelling on the past.

You find your true friends in battle

When I say you find your true friends in the battle field, it means people that stick with you in your worst moments are the best friends you’re ever going to get.

Rich people have so many friends.

Poor people? Not so much.

When you have something valuable to offer, people always flock around you. But when life gets tough for you, 99.999 percent of them leaves.

So, if everything is going well for you, don’t just conclude that all the people around you are your friends. Be very careful.

Pay close attention to those that stand by you when things are rough with you. They’re the best you’re ever going to get.

No one can love you more than you love yourself

There’s no after life

Karma is real – the universe remembers

Money is essential to live a happy life – stop demonizing money or rich people

All you really need is your daily bread

Luxury is just luxury

Everybody’s fighting for their lives – everybody’s wearing a mask – everybody’s hiding their true self

Your true self is that person you are in your room by yourself when no one is there watching you.

You and everyone you know will be gone approximately a 100 years from today

You’re responsible for 99.999 percent of everything that happens to you

You have to work hard every day if you’re going to thrive in today’s society

Sometimes, you just need to go away and find yourself

It’s okay to fail. You’re human after all.

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