How To Find Inner Peace In Your Life

how to find inner peace in your life

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Your inner peace is not something that’s controlled by the amount of money you have in your bank account, or by how much properties and assets you have, or by how many women or men you have in your life.

It’s controlled by something much more intricate and convoluted, but surprisingly attainable by all.

It’s controlled by your approach to life, and nothing more. It’s not controlled by others. It’s controlled by you.

I’m not a guru or anything. I’m just 31 years right now. But one thing I’ve found in the past 2 years of my life, is something I’ve never had before.

It’s inner peace.

I’ve not found it easily. I’ve found it through lots of defeats, disappointments, lots of shame, low self esteem, lots of self rejection, lots of pain and through going through life’s dark times.

It’s funny to hear the phrase self rejection. You might even think it’s not a real word. But trust me it is.

We reject ourselves all the time. Imagine rejecting yourself in your mind. The last person that should reject you, supposed to be you. But sometimes, we reject ourselves even before others reject us.

Its a very sad feeling. It’s something that’s hard to describe. It’s just a feeling inside of you that makes you not to accept you for who you are.

It’s comes from having a great deal of low self esteem. You just don’t think you’re worth anything.

That’s what self rejection is all about.

But when you finally attain inner peace, you don’t have any issues with any of that anymore. You see life for what it truly is, and you enjoy every moment of it.

You begin to notice things you never noticed before, the fine things of life. You notice the blades of grass as you walk along the road. You begin to hear the songs of the birds more clearly. You lose your worry and anxiety, and you learn to live life to the fullest.

The following are 7 tips that will help you find inner peace in your life, and thus live your life to its fullest.

Accept yourself for who you are

I’ve found that the more you try to change and amend yourself to conform to

We’re raised up with the idea that we can do whatever we want, that we can be anything as long as we set our eyes upon it, and we will it for ourselves.

The truth is, we all have limitations. No matter how much we want to live forever, maybe become immortal, we can never live forever. Death is a natural part of our lives.

It’s going to come whether we like it or not. That’s a limitation.

We can’t stay young forever. That’s another limitation.

Maybe you’ve got a bald head, maybe you’re short in height, maybe you’re not as handsome, beautiful or good-looking as you think you should be.

While we can work to change some things about ourselves, there are some that we just can’t change, or will go through a whole world of pain to change.

The more you learn to accept yourself for who you really are, the less pain you’ll cause yourself.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t work to improve yourself in any way. By all means you should. You should work hard to improve a lot of things about you. You should work and study hard to improve your intellectual capacity.

You should workout to become stronger physically and stay in shape. You should work hard secularly to earn as much money as possible so you can be able to provide the good things of life for yourself and for your family.

There are things you can really work on to improve in your life.

Some, on the other hand, can’t just be improved or changed like that. Some you just need to accept for yourself.

You’re short in height. That’s very okay. Find a way to love it. See all the good aspects of it. Not the bad.

Just learn to accept yourself for who you are.

Related: How To Deal With Dark Times In Your Life

Stop trying to please people – Stop seeking approval.

Have a life goal.

Don’t take things too seriously.

Focus on improving your life.

Do things for you.

Seek love, but don’t chase after it.

Secure your financial future

Money is very important if you’re ever going to find inner peace. There’s peace when you’re sure of where you’re going to lay your head when the night comes, when there’s clothes on your back, and food on your table.

Without these basic necessities, you’ll never find inner peace.

So, try as much as possible to secure your financial future.

I always advice starting and owning your own business. Investing your money on assets that yield more income for you, and reduce spending on liabilities that take away your money.

Start your own business. A salary, especially a less than average one can never get your rich or financially stable.

You’ve got to be able to control how much income you earn. And starting a business is the easiest way to go about that.

Related: When You Hit Rock Bottom – Read This

Live a minimalistic life

If you aren’t trying to please other people, you’ll find out that you really don’t need most of the things you have right now.

You don’t need a 100 feet home. You just need a quiet place to lay your head. You need a home. A place where you hangout with yourself, and maybe family.

Not a place you want to show off to the world.

If you aren’t trying to impress other people you won’t buy extravagant things. You’d just get what you really need.

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